Our Mission and Values


To help St Mary’s pupils know they are called to make a difference by being a thinking, feeling, questioning person in our world, embracing and living out Gospel values. Welcome to St Mary's Catholic Primary School. I hope you will find the information on our website useful in finding out a little more about us. Please read my welcome for more information about our school.


'Called to Make a Difference'

Here at St Mary's, we believe every member of our school community is called to make a difference to the lives of others through the example of Christ.


We try our best to live out the Gospel values in all that we do. Each half term is centred on one such value. We use resources from The Jesuit Pupil Profile to support our learning and teaching.


Information on the Jesuit Pupil Profile

At St Mary's Catholic Primary School we will all:


  • Achieve our best
  • Love life and learning
  • Be confident and happy
  • Show respect, responsibility and resilience
  • Develop and grow using the life of Jesus as our example