Catholic Life of Our School
Our Catholic Curriculum
At St. Mary's, we want all our children to live out our school mission statement: Called to Make a Difference. We want to grow to be more like Jesus in our everyday actions with each other, our local community and our global family. We can do this by growing in the knowledge and understanding of Jesus' life and teachings-these are an example to us. We will experience prayer and liturgy that builds on learning in RE and Catholic tradition and develop children's spiritual and religious dimensions of life through awe and wonder. We recognise the importance of helping children to understand God's plan for them and to live a life of action. We want our children to confidently know that God has chosen them to make a difference in our world and to flourish as the unique creation they have been born to be with many gifts and talents to help them thrive in our world. We want our children to live out the Gospel values and make that difference in our world.
We use several resources to enrich our RE curriculum. 'Come and See' is a Diocesan approved scheme. We also use Caritas in Action resources to strengthen our commitment to social justice and our Gospel values underpin every aspect of our day to day lives. We also teach our children about the Church's liturgical year and this is delivered through Building the Kingdom work. Each class is named after a saint-these are our Heroes of Faith and our ultimate role models.
Please click on the links below to discover more about our journey with God.
Click on the image below
Welcome Mass September 2021

A lovely Mass in school today and it was wonderful to be able to welcome members of the parish in for coffee and cake afterwards. Our whole school family said farewell to Canon Cooper. We thanked him for all his service to our parish and we wish him a very happy, and well deserved, retirement.
WELCOME Fr. Darren
We would like to welcome Fr. Darren to our school family. We look forward to sharing all aspects of school life with him.
Building the Kingdom
At St. Mary's we want to be Kingdom builders and grow spiritually through learning about key events in the Church's liturgical year. We use the example of saints and feast days to help us be more like Jesus and we do this so that we can help grow our school family and the wider community. We have many role models to help us: many saints to guide us. The Church's liturgical year includes many celebrations and we enjoy taking part in these and spreading the Good News to all we meet.
Mary's Birthday
Thank you Mary for saying 'yes' to God. Help us to be a school family who also say 'yes' to God's calling.
On Mary's birthday we think especially about one of her titles: Mary, Untier of Knots. We present our worries to Mary because we know she can help us.
We pray to you, Mary our Mother, to receive in your hands all the worries of St. Mary's, to free us from the knots in our lives. Amen.
Happy Birthday Mary!

The Angelus
Margaret came in to teach the whole school how to pray The Angelus. The Angelus 'interrupts' our day so that we can stop the busyness of life and turn to God. She told us the story of The Annunciation and how Mary said 'yes' to God. We can be like Mary too. Margaret taught us some actions for the Hail Mary. We enjoyed learning our new prayer.
In KS2, The Angelus is prayed the first Monday of every month at 12noon and is led by our prayer leaders.
Thank you Margaret for sharing the Hail Mary with us in prayer and in action

Harvest with CAFOD
It was so lovely to welcome Carol back into school to share this year's CAFOD Harvest Project: Go Green.
Watch this space to find out what we do as a school!

Our Go Green group organised a mufti-day for the whole school. Children could dress up in green or as a rainforest animal. Some children brought in their ideas about what they will try to do at home to be more green.
We raised £125! Well done everyone!

The Feast of Guardian Angels
Did you know that we all have a guardian angel? Someone to watch over us, protect us and guide us. We learned the Guardian Angel Prayer and Year 6 made a special card for their buddies in Reception.
The Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God
My guardian dear
to whom God's love
Commits me here.
Ever this day
Be at my side,
To light and guard
To rule and guide.
Holy Souls
November is the month that we remember all our loved ones who have gone to Heaven. We invite our school family to send photos of their loved ones to place on a very special Remembrance Prayer Table in our quiet room. Each class spends time in here remembering our family and friends who are no longer with us and we pray for them and thank God for their presence in the world. We remember what a gift they have been to us.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen
Our Remembrance Prayer Table
This year we are going on a special Advent journey with Mary and Joseph. This will help us to become closer to Jesus and to be more like him. We look forward to welcoming the Light of the World into our lives at Christmas and our Advent preparations will make sure that we are ready to fully embrace Him and live like him.

Feast of the Epiphany
The three wise men come to glorify Jesus. The Light of the World is with us!
We three kings of orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain
Moor and mountain
Following yonder star
O star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect light
Fr Darren celebrated Mass with us in school.
Ash Wednesday
During Lent, we try to become better friends with Jesus by praying, fasting and giving alms. Fr Darren and Deacon John came for a special service to distribute ashes. We all made promises to Jesus: what will we give up, pray for and raise funds for in the coming weeks? Children have the chance to earn a special Mercy Token for various good deeds.

Everyone has prepared a special liturgy to tell our school family about the events of Holy Week. This is the most special story of the liturgical year.
Palm Sunday Years 6 and Reception

The Last Supper Years 3 and 4

The Crucifixion Year 5

Stations of the Cross
During Holy Week, KS2 classes pray the Stations of the Cross. We visited church to be with Jesus on his final journey.
We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.
Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.

The Rosary
During Lent, we pray together The Sorrowful Mysteries. We are always happy when our Parish family can join us in prayer.
Holy Week is also Help Week. A full week of fundraising events, culminating in our Help Week Fair.
We have had the most amazing week of fundraising for our chosen charities: CAFOD, Morecambe Homeless Action, North West Children's Charity and Ukraine Appeal. So much fun and so much money raised. You are amazing St. Mary's!!!!
Total £1775!!!!
Thank you so much everyone!
Our Parish Family and Morecambe Homeless Action
Part of our works of mercy for Lent has resulted in giving the elderly and lonely in our parish an Easter basket and card. We made 80 baskets with donations from families. We also sent some Easter treats to our friends at Morecambe Homeless Action. Another Thank You for helping us to make a difference.

May Procession
May is the month of our mother, Mary. She is known as the Queen of May. We processed with flowers for Mary and crowned her with a flower garland.
Laudato Si

The Vatican released the much-anticipated encyclical by Pope Francis, 'Laudato Si' - Care of our common home
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