
Our Governing Body Mission Statement


The Governors place Christ at the centre of all we do, and play a vital role in making sure every child gets the best possible education in line with our ethos and mission statement as a Catholic school. The Governing Body supports the Mission Statement of the school by ensuring that the school provides a safe, caring, and stimulating learning environment where every child can realise his or her full potential.


Our Role

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, the Governing Body comprises of governors, including parents, teachers and volunteers from our Parish Church and local community. We will follow the example and teachings of Christ and everything we do will be inspired by Gospel values. We work together to provide independent oversight of the leadership and operation of the school, with the aim of shaping the school’s future direction, improving the quality of education provided and ensuring that the school provides a safe, caring, and stimulating learning environment where every child can realise his or her full potential.

Our main responsibilities are:

  • Setting the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Act as a “critical friend” in challenging and supporting the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating: the implementation and effectiveness of the policy framework; progress towards targets; the implementation and effectiveness of the school improvement strategy; the budget and the staffing structure; and conducting quality self-evaluation; and
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of its staff.


Our Structure

The Full Governing Body meetings are attended by all Governors and considers any strategic issues that affect more than one area of School Life, receives reports from the Headteacher and its key Committees, and approve matters reserved for it.

Most of the work of the Governing Body is undertaken through its three key Committees and through targeted Governor visits.


The Committees


Resource Committee

The Resource Committee’s aim is to provide support and guidance for the Headteacher on all matters relating to the financial running of the school, maintenance, security and enhancement of the school premises and health and safety matters as well as staff deployment, staff wellbeing, staffing structure and planning.  Additional committees are available to oversee any staffing grievances utilising untainted governors.  New appointments are made in school with representatives of all governor committees present based on governor availability.. We will ensure a strategic approach to budget planning that reflects the schools' educational objectives as well as its vision and values.


Standards, Evaluation, Target Setting (SETS) Committee

Our aim is to support the Head and teachers in delivering inspirational teaching that ensures that each child fulfils their true potential. We will do this by: careful consideration of the curriculum and by upholding school initiatives that support the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum; ensuring that the quality of learning and teaching is monitored and evaluated effectively and that staff are provided with outstanding development opportunities, the impact of which is monitored and evaluated; ensuring expectations of achievement and progress remain high for all pupils, especially those who are disadvantaged; monitoring progress and attainment against the school development plan and against the school’s vision, and ensuring that effective self-evaluation processes are in place.


SMSC Committee

The SMSC committee oversees aspects of Religious Education in school. Also, the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. The SMSC committee is also responsible for the mental wellbeing of pupils, and special educational needs. They have due regard to the Catholicity of school and the quality of collective worship. 


Pay Committee

The Pay committee oversees all aspects relating to staff pay. 

To contact the Governing Body, please email:


Our Governor representation is as follows:


Mrs H Stephenson - Parent Governor

Mr S Aimson - Parent Governor

Ms T Moore - Foundation Governor (Chair & Safeguarding)

Father Darren – Foundation Governor (Vice Chair)

Mrs R Starr– Foundation Governor 

Mrs J Lunan – Foundation Governor

Mr G Krawiec - Foundation Governor

Mrs M Butler - Foundation Governor

Mrs K Charnley - Staff governor

Mrs Cecilia Turner -  Local Authority Governor





Standards and Effectiveness Committee (SEC)             

Mrs T Moore

Mrs H Stephenson

Mrs R Starr

Mrs K Charnley 

Ms C Hind

Mrs E Wolff



Mrs T Moore

Mrs J Lunan 

Mrs H Stephenson

Mr G Krawiec 

Mrs E Wolff

Ms C Hind

Mrs C Turner



Mrs T Moore

Mr S Aimson

Mr G Krawiec 

Mrs M Butler

Fr Darren

Ms C Hind

Mrs C Turner 



Mrs M Butler

Mr S Aimson

Mr G Krawiec 


What does a governor do? Information from the National Governors Association