Late/Absence Procedures
School Absences
We have, by law to account for all absences from school. It is very important therefore that parents notify the school office of the reason for any absence either by telephone or letter. The aim is for all children to achieve an attendance of minimum 95%. An attendance below 90% is classed as persistent absence and dependent upon personal circumstances, is a cause for concern. Going on family holidays during term-time is not permitted except in very exceptional circumstances. However if it is necessary to go on holiday, a leave of absence form must be requested from the Headteacher. It is also necessary to clear all absences other than sickness and medical treatment with the Headteacher. If this is not done the pupil will be marked absent without authorisation.
If a child is going to be absent, it is important that the school office is notified asap otherwise a call from the school will have to be made to check your child's absence. This is a standard procedure for our school.
Please support your child's learning by arranging doctor's appointments, optician's appointments etc in the school holidays or after school hours. We understand that there are certain appointments that are out of a parent or carer's control eg. hospital appointments.