Meet the Staff

Come and meet the staff at our school. (Staffing from September 2023)

Headteacher: Ms C Hind (Associate Head)

Deputy Head: Mrs Elizabeth Wolff

School Bursar: Mrs Zoey Rogers

Business support: Vacant


Designated Safeguard Lead: Ms C Hind

Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead and SENCO: Miss Crone

Safeguarding Governor: Mrs T Moore 


Your class teachers and (support team)


Early Years: Mrs C Bracken and Mrs K Charnley (Mrs S Hornby)


Year 1: Ms K O'Neill/Miss H Woodward (Mrs J Newsham / Miss S Harrison)


Year 2: Miss H Crone / Miss H Woodward   (Miss J Cumming/Mrs L Chetham)


Year 3: Miss K Wharton / Mrs L Kernthaler  (Miss L Parr)


Year 4: Miss H Merritt (Miss R Evans / Mr J Holmes) 


Year 5: Mrs S Wilkinson (Mrs A McBride)


Year 6: Mrs E Wolff  / Mrs L McDonald /Miss H Woodward  (Miss F Casari)


Additional Support to all classes : Mr J Holmes and Ms Chetham


Grounds and Buildings: Mr S Hodgson (Site supervisor) & Mrs Z Rogers


Catering Team: Mrs Hadfield and Mrs Betts  (Lancashire Catering Services)


Lancashire Music Services: Ms Julie Wrayton

Sport Coaching and Sports CPD: Coach Regan (MFC)


As legally required by the DfE, and to fulfil our Schools Financial Values Standards, this is confirmation that there is no member of staff earning £100,000 or more.