Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6



Please keep reading with your child at home. Below are some suggestions for discussing the book with your child. 


VOCABULARY – Years 3 - 6
Find and explain the meaning of words in context
 What do the words ...... and …… suggest about the character, setting and mood?
 Which word tells you that….?
 Which keyword tells you about the character/setting/mood?
 Find one word in the text which means……
 Find and highlight the word that is closest in meaning to…….
 Find a word or phrase which shows/suggests that…….


INFER – Years 3 – 6
 Make and justify inferences using evidence from the text.
 Find and copy a group of words which show that…
 How do these words make the reader feel? How does this paragraph suggest this?
 How do the descriptions of …… show that they are ……..
 How can you tell that……
 What impression of …… do you get from these paragraphs?
 What voice might these characters use?
 What was …. thinking when…..
 Who is telling the story?


PREDICT – Years 3 – 6
Predict what might happen from the details given and implied.
 From the cover what do you think this text is going to be about?
 What is happening now? What happened before this? What will happen after?
 What does this paragraph suggest will happen next? What makes you think this?
 Do you think the choice of setting will influence how the plot develops?
 Do you think… will happen? Yes, no or maybe? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.


EXPLAIN – Years 3 – 6
Explain how content is related and contributes to the meaning as a whole. Explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of language. Explain the themes and patterns that develop across the text. Explain how information contributes to the overall experience.
 Why is the text arranged in this way?
 What structures has the author used?
 What is the purpose of this text feature?
 Is the use of ….. effective?
 The mood of the character changes throughout the text. Find and copy the phrases which show this.
 What is the author’s point of view?
 What affect does ….. have on the audience?
 How does the author engage the reader here?
 Which words and phrases did ….. effectively?
 Which section was the most interesting/exciting part?
 How are these sections linked?


RETRIEVE – Years 3 – 6
Retrieve and record information and identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
 How would you describe this story/text? What genre is it? How do you know?
 How did…?
 How often…?
 Who had…? Who is…? Who did….?
 What happened to…?
 What does…. do?
 How ….. is ……..?
 What can you learn from …… from this section?
 Give one example of……
 The story is told from whose perspective?


SUMMARISE – Years 3 – 6
Summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph.
 Can you number these events 1-5 in the order that they happened?
 What happened after …….?
 What was the first thing that happened in the story?
 Can you summarise in a sentence the opening/middle/end of the story?
 In what order do these chapter headings come in the story?