BP Educational Service
EYFS/KS1/KS2: ExpeRimental is a series of short films making it fun, easy and cheap to do science experiments at home with your children. The films depict the age of the children for which the experiments are suitable.
Science Hunters with Lancaster University
KS2: Weekly Science experiments that can be carried out at home will be posted on this site every Wednesday. Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.
EYFS/KS1: Free, downloadable materials to support being nature detectives in the outdoors
Families working together:
For more science experiments try
- Whilst we are still permitted to exercise outdoors take a walk in nature. Make a collection of things you find. Once home, display them and see if you can identify them. Nature Detectives has some great ‘spotter sheets’ which might help.
- Plant some vegetables to grow at home. How can you keep them healthy? Once grown, can you use them in your cooking? Easy ones to grow for younger children are lettuce varieties, cress, radish or basil and mint herbs.
- Have a family sunflower competition. Who can keep their plan healthy and grow the tallest sunflower? Keep a diary of how much it grows each day.
Other activities you could do with your child
- Make a marble run. How long can you keep the marble moving for?
- Take a ‘Science Selfie’. Take a photograph of themselves with something science related in the image. Print off the photograph and complete the caption ‘This is science because…’ Make a collection of ‘Science Selfies’ to show how science is all around us.
- With an adult for guidance, experiment with cooking and food preparation. Make cakes and discuss what they notice at each stage of the recipe. Try this experiment to see how oven temperature affects cake mix: Make some cake mixture and place in 15 separate muffin cases. Put all the muffins in the oven then after every minute remove one from the oven until all 15 have been removed. Which is the best cake? Why? What do you notice? Mix up the cake order and see if you can put them back in the correct order.
- Try making some healthier snacks. Try super-seed energy balls, homemade granola, hummus with veg sticks. Explore online for some great ideas.
- Make a den, inside or out. Explain what materials you used and why your den is good?
- Research a famous scientist. What did they discover? How is their idea used today?
- What is the best way to stop ice cubes (or an ice lolly) from melting? Suggest 3 different things, test them and see which ice cube lasted longest. For younger children change where they put the ice cubes. For older children change the material they wrap the ice in (testing thermal insulators).
- Science with ice –
Photographs from NASA –
Crest Award There are some brilliant investigations on this site.
Virtual Chester Zoo –
Mystery Science Free science lessons
Nature Detectives…/ A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!
s Science awards you can complete from home. – lots of science subject areas covered with resources specifically designed for primary age children. (Other subjects are also available on this site). – lots of different and fun science activities you can do in the house or garden